Funds Alert Roberto Zanon Funds Alert Roberto Zanon

Supporting Cultural Integration for Displaced Ukrainians: The "Culture Helps" Grants Program

In response to the ongoing crisis resulting from Russia's war in Ukraine, the "Culture Helps / Культура допомагає" initiative has launched a grants program aimed at fostering the integration of individuals and families displaced by the conflict. This article outlines the program's objectives, eligibility criteria, and the application process for interested cultural organizations.

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eufunds Roberto Zanon eufunds Roberto Zanon

The Societal Value of Arts and Culture: A Path to Well-being, Mental Health, and Inclusion

The Arts and Culture are strong agents of change, even more when they are interconnected to the broader concepts of well-being, mental health and inclusion. This policy brief discusses the societal value of the Arts and Culture, their impact on well-being, mental health and inclusion, as well as their role in opening up new policy avenues. A selection of most recent research findings from Horizon 2020 Framework Programme's projects highlights the new opportunities and translates them into concrete policy actions that can be further transferred and up-scaled by various stakeholders.

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Funds Alert, eufunds Roberto Zanon Funds Alert, eufunds Roberto Zanon

Creative Europe: all the new calls in one (well, actually two) articles

Last October, Creative Europe launched a series of exciting calls for projects, offering unique opportunities for creators and organizations in the audiovisual sector. In this article, we present an overview of the latest calls, with brief summaries provided for each. This is the first of two articles, and the upcoming piece will comprehensively list all the calls.

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