Creative Europe: all the new calls in one (well, actually two) articles

Last October, Creative Europe launched a series of exciting calls for projects, offering unique opportunities for creators and organizations in the audiovisual sector. In this article, we present an overview of the latest calls, with brief summaries provided for each. This is the first of two articles, and the upcoming piece will comprehensively list all the calls.

Call 1: Films on the Move - CREA-MEDIA-2024-FILMOVE

Objective: Encourage and support the wider distribution of recent non-national European films.

Expected Results:

  • Development of pan-European theatrical and/or online distribution strategies for non-national European films.

  • Increased investment in theatrical and/or online promotion and distribution of non-national European films.

  • Develop links between the production and distribution sector, improving the competitive position of non-national European films on a global market.


  • 14 March 2024, 17:00:00 Brussels time

  • 18 July 2024, 17:00:00 Brussels time

Call 2: TV and Online Content - CREA-MEDIA-2024-TVONLINE

Scope: Increase the capacity of audiovisual producers to develop and produce projects with significant potential for circulation.

Expected Results:

  • Increased production of high-quality European works for broadcasting and digital platforms.

  • Enhanced cooperation between operators from different countries.

  • Increased audience for European works through broadcasting and digital platforms.


  • 07 December 2023, 17:00:00 Brussels time

  • 14 May 2024, 17:00:00 Brussels time

Call 3: Networks of European Festivals - CREA-MEDIA-2024-FESTNET

Objective: Provide support to coordinated/collaborative activities among European audiovisual festivals.

Expected Results:

  • Reinforce cooperation among European audiovisual festivals.

  • Increase the impact of European audiovisual festivals.

  • Foster exchange of knowledge and best-practice models.


  • 11 April 2024, 17:00:00 Brussels time

Call 4: European VOD Networks and Operators - CREA-MEDIA-2024-VODNET

Objective: Support European Video on Demand (VOD) networks and operators.

Expected Results:

  • Strengthen cross-border collaboration among European VOD platforms.

  • Enhance attractiveness of eligible European VOD platforms.

  • Improve digital circulation and consumption of European content.

  • Develop new business models.


  • 09 April 2024, 17:00:00 Brussels time

Call 5: European Slate Development - CREA-MEDIA-2024-DEVSLATE

Scope: Foster the competitiveness of European independent production companies.

Expected Results:

  • Attain a stronger position on European and international markets.

  • Increase quality, feasibility, and market value of supported European works.


  • 13 December 2023, 17:00:00 Brussels time

These calls for projects offer exciting opportunities for creators and organizations in the audiovisual sector. We encourage all eligible parties to explore these avenues and contribute to the vibrant European audiovisual landscape. Be sure to mark the deadlines in your calendars. Good luck to all participants!

Stay tuned for our next article, which will provide a comprehensive list of all the calls under the Creative Europe Programme.


Creative Europe: Our second article with six more calls for proposals


The Logical Framework Approach: The Recipe for the Success of Your Project Applications