Our Clients

We partner with a diverse range of organizations across Europe to develop impactful projects in the health, social inclusion, and education sectors.

Empowering you to Take Control of your Funding Strategiy

At Solvere, we're not just about securing your next grant; we're committed to equipping you with the strategies and tools for long-term, sustainable funding. Our clients span a range of sectors and typically fall within eight distinct categories.



Rooted in extensive experience with NGOs, we understand their unique challenges and immense social impact. Sharing a common set of values, we've meticulously researched funding sources to expertly navigate them through the complexities of securing long-term funding.


Educational Institutions

Solvere is deeply committed to the fields of education and training. We collaborate with a range of educational bodies, from schools and training centers to universities and research institutions. Leveraging our comprehensive understanding of available funding programs, we connect you to an extensive network of potential partners. Our services aim to bolster your institution's research capabilities, foster innovation, and expand both funding and exchange opportunities.


Public Entities and Local Authorities

We acknowledge the vital role that public entities and local authorities play not only in the impact of projects but also in the dissemination and implementation of policies. Solvere enhances your involvement by outlining the unique contributions you can bring to these initiatives, ensuring that your role is both impactful and widely recognized.


Cultural Associations

Many cultural and volunteer associations face resource constraints that hinder project development and funding acquisition. At Solvere, we amplify your activities and connect you to potential partners, facilitating the growth of your projects and access to funding.


Startups, SMEs, and Companies

For-profit organizations often play a pivotal role in the effectiveness of a project. Your technical skills and field experience are invaluable assets for a successful partnership. Solvere aligns your business with European and international projects that best fit your specific needs and objectives. Our expertise not only broadens your network but also elevates your brand and contact base.


International Networks and Membership-Based Organizations

With a wealth of experience in European and global umbrella organizations, we understand the intricacies of networks that span multiple countries. Whether your network needs funding for its core structure, including secretarial activities, or aims to offer quality services like funding assistance and project-writing training to its members, Solvere is equipped to support you and your membership effectively.


Organizations New to Funding

The funding landscape can be daunting, especially for those new to it. Solvere demystifies the process, guiding you through available programs and foundations. We provide a roadmap for project design and connect you with suitable partnerships, making your initial funding journey less overwhelming.


Foundations and Other Funding Entities

Crafting calls for projects, setting evaluation criteria, and assessing application quality are critical for any funding entity aiming for impactful allocation of resources. Solvere provides in-depth expertise in designing calls and evaluating proposals. We also offer training to foundations and similar funding entities, equipping them with the skills to execute these tasks effectively.

Let’s Discuss Your Funding Needs

Whether your organization falls into one of these categories or not, we offer specialized expertise in funding for the education, social inclusion, and health sectors. Contact us today to discover how we can help advance your projects.