ESF+: New call for proposals to unlock skills and support vulnerable youth

The European Competence Centre for Social Innovation has recently announced an exciting opportunity for organizations committed to making a positive impact on the lives of young people. Under the ESF+ program, a new call for transnational projects has been launched with a focus on enhancing the skills of young individuals and facilitating their seamless integration into the labor market.

A substantial EUR 9 million in ESF+ funding has been earmarked for projects that aim to develop or scale up innovative methods and practices proven successful in diverse contexts, countries, and regions. The primary target is to assist vulnerable youth, especially those classified as young people not in employment, education, or training (NEETs), in acquiring skills that pave the way for their successful integration into the labor market.

Key Criteria for Project Proposals:

To be eligible for consideration, project proposals must adhere to the following key criteria:

1. Transnational Collaboration: Proposals should involve at least two applicants from different EU Member States, comprising a coordinator and one or more co-applicants.

2. Co-Funding: Projects must be co-funded for a minimum of 20% of the total budget.

3. Grant Range: The estimated grant for each successful proposal falls within the range of EUR 200,000 to EUR 700,000.

4. Scaling-up Plan: Each proposal should identify a potential co-funder for the further implementation of the innovative approach, whether an ESF+ Managing Authority, Intermediate Body, foundation, or other relevant entities.

Timeline and Application Details:

Interested parties are encouraged to act promptly, as the deadline for proposal submissions is set for 29 February 2024, at 17:00 CET.

Who Can Apply?

A diverse range of organizations is eligible to apply, including but not limited to:

- NGOs, third sector, voluntary, and youth non-profit entities

- Local and regional authorities

- Job centers, public employment services, and employment agencies

- Schools, vocational education and training providers

- Companies, social partners, and representative bodies linked to the labor market

- Agencies responsible for skills validation

- Lifelong-learning research centers and entities

- Associations and representatives of those involved in vocational education and training

- Guidance, consultancy, and information service providers linked to lifelong learning

- Public and private funders

SOLVERE Ready to Partner:

SOLVERE stands ready to become a valuable partner in these transformative projects. We can support your consortium in the project drafting process and/or become an expert partner in your project. By joining forces with SOLVERE, organizations can benefit from a wealth of technical know-how and contribute to the collective effort of empowering young individuals for a brighter future.

Let's work together to create meaningful change and open doors of opportunity for the youth across Europe. We’re ready to guide you into your next innovative project!

Useful links:
Call for proposals

European Competence Centre for Social Innovation

Lithuanian Agency for ESF+


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