Creative Europe: Our second article with six more calls for proposals

Building upon the momentum generated by the previously highlighted calls, the Creative Europe Programme continues to offer diverse opportunities for creators and organizations across the cultural and creative sectors. After the first five calls published in our previous article, this time we focus on further six calls, each presenting unique avenues for collaboration and innovation.

Call 6: Video Games and Immersive Content Development - CREA-MEDIA-2024-DEVVGIM

Objective: Increase the capacity of European video game producers, XR studios, and audiovisual production companies to develop video games and interactive immersive experiences.

Expected Results:

  • Increased quality, appeal, feasibility, and cross-border potential for selected projects.

  • A stronger position for video game developers and immersive content companies in European and international markets.


  • 24 January 2024, 17:00:00 Brussels time

Call 7: Innovative Tools and Business Models - CREA-MEDIA-2024-INNOVBUSMOD

Objective: Encourage the development and/or spread of innovative tools and business models to enhance the visibility, availability, audience, and diversity of European works.

Expected Results:

  • Improved competitiveness of the European audiovisual industry.

  • Adaptation to opportunities offered by Artificial Intelligence and the development of virtual worlds (Metaverse).

  • Advancement in the greening process of the European audiovisual industry.


  • 25 January 2024, 17:00:00 Brussels time

Call 8: European Cooperation Projects Medium Scale - CREA-CULT-2024-COOP-2

Objective: The European Cooperation Projects Medium Scale call is a strategic initiative within the Creative Europe Programme. It aims to support projects involving organizations in the cultural and creative sectors, fostering sectoral or cross-sectoral activities. This call particularly emphasizes medium-scale projects, marking a significant evolution in the program's approach.

Topics: Projects are expected to contribute to one of the following objectives:

  1. Transnational Creation and Circulation: Strengthening the transnational creation and circulation of European works and artists. This involves advancing collaborations, increasing outreach, and facilitating trans-national distribution.

  2. Innovation: Enhancing the capacity of European cultural and creative sectors to nurture talents, innovate, prosper, and generate jobs and growth. Innovations can span technological and artistic realms, ensuring competitiveness and growth.

Priorities: Projects must address at least one of the following priorities:

  • Audience: Increase access to, engagement, and participation in culture, especially from countries beyond their own, for diverse audiences.

  • Social Inclusion: Promote societal resilience, inclusivity, and well-being through culture, focusing on people with disabilities, minorities, and socially marginalized groups.

  • Sustainability: Co-create, adopt, and disseminate environmentally friendly practices, aligning with the European Green Deal.

  • Digital: Support the digital transition of cultural and creative sectors, embracing opportunities and addressing challenges posed by emerging technologies.

International Dimension: Encouraging projects to be active across borders, contributing to international cultural relations and the Union’s global strategy for international relations through culture.

Annual Priority: Given the current geopolitical context, there is a specific focus on supporting Ukrainian cultural and creative sectors to aid recovery post-war.

Expected Impact: The European Cooperation Projects Medium Scale is anticipated to foster transnational cooperation, increase the European dimension of artistic content creation and circulation, and encourage the development of new and innovative practices. The goal is to support a diverse portfolio of projects, promoting cultural richness and collaboration.

Deadline: 23 January 2024, 17:00:00 Brussels time

Call 9: European Cooperation Projects Small Scale - CREA-CULT-2024-COOP-1

Objective: The European Cooperation Projects Small Scale call is a vital component of the Creative Europe Programme, targeting projects involving organizations in the cultural and creative sectors. This call is particularly designed for smaller-scale initiatives, fostering accessibility and innovation.

Topics: Projects are expected to contribute to one of the following objectives:

  1. Transnational Creation and Circulation: Strengthening the transnational creation and circulation of European works and artists. Co-production and collaboration are pivotal for creativity, resource-sharing, and widespread distribution.

  2. Innovation: Enhancing the capacity of European cultural and creative sectors to nurture talents, innovate, prosper, and generate jobs and growth. Innovation can take various forms, from technological advancements to novel artistic approaches.

Priorities: Projects must address at least one of the following priorities:

  • Audience: Increase access to, engagement, and participation in culture, ensuring diverse audiences can benefit from cross-border collaboration.

  • Social Inclusion: Promote societal resilience, inclusivity, and well-being through culture, with a focus on marginalized groups.

  • Sustainability: Co-create, adopt, and disseminate environmentally friendly practices, in line with the European Green Deal.

  • Digital: Support the digital transition of cultural and creative sectors, harnessing the opportunities presented by emerging technologies.

International Dimension: Encouraging projects to be active across borders, contributing to international cultural relations and the Union’s global strategy for international relations through culture.

Annual Priority: In response to ongoing challenges, there is a specific focus on supporting Ukrainian cultural and creative sectors, contributing to their recovery.

Expected Impact: The European Cooperation Projects Small Scale aims to stimulate grassroots organizations, supporting the creation of new partnerships and innovative ideas. By fostering transnational cooperation, the call seeks to enhance the European dimension of artistic content creation and circulation.

Deadline: 23 January 2024, 17:00:00 Brussels time

Call 10: Pan-European Cultural Entities - CREA-CULT-2024-PECE

Objective: The Pan-European Cultural Entities call supports projects proposed by cultural entities, specifically orchestras. It aims to provide training, professional development, and performance opportunities to young musicians, emphasizing the following objectives:

  1. Professionalization of Young Musicians: Offering high-standard career development through recruitment, training, and touring.

  2. Fostering Artistic Excellence: Supporting the artistic prowess of youth orchestral performance.

  3. Promoting EU Values: Backing organizations and artists acting as promoters and ambassadors of EU values.

Scope: Themes and priorities:

  • Addressing cross-cutting issues of inclusion, diversity, and greening within Creative Europe.

  • Tackling key priorities such as empowering cultural and creative sectors, enhancing cultural participation, strengthening co-creative partnerships, and fostering digital transformation.

Activities: Projects should include a mix of training, mentoring programs, apprenticeship activities, advice to music professionals, workshops, events, concerts, exchanges, co-productions, and both online and offline activities. The emphasis is on discovering the orchestral world for diverse audiences, especially the young.

Expected Impact: The Pan-European Cultural Entities call anticipates supporting 3 to 5 projects, developing the careers of young musicians from at least 20 participating countries. These projects aim to reflect the diversity of European culture and musical genres, encouraging audience participation and access while consolidating the role of orchestras as promoters of EU values.

Deadline: 31 January 2024, 17:00:00 Brussels time

Call 11: Innovation Lab - CREA-CROSS-2024-INNOVLAB

Objective: Encourage cooperation between the audiovisual sector and other cultural and creative sectors to facilitate environmental transition and improve competitiveness.

Expected Results:

  • Improved competitiveness of the European audiovisual and cultural sectors.

  • Adaptation to opportunities offered by the development of virtual worlds (Metaverse).

  • Acceleration of the environmental transition in line with the European Green Deal.


  • 25 April 2024, 17:00:00 Brussels time

These calls offer an array of opportunities, from supporting video game development to fostering cross-sectoral cooperation for environmental sustainability. Eligible participants are encouraged to explore these avenues and contribute to the growth and vibrancy of the European cultural and creative landscape. Be sure to mark the respective deadlines in your calendars, and best of luck to all applicants!


Creative Europe: the last 4 calls of this year


Creative Europe: all the new calls in one (well, actually two) articles