Article Roberto Zanon Article Roberto Zanon

Tackling the Mental Health Crisis Among Healthcare Workers in Europe

The European Health Management Association (EHMA) has brought to light concerning data regarding the mental health of healthcare workers across Europe. This issue, exacerbated by the strains of the healthcare environment and heightened during the COVID-19 pandemic, underscores a crucial need for comprehensive support and reform.

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Article Roberto Zanon Article Roberto Zanon

Erasmus+ 2021-27 interim evaluation & 2014-20 final evaluation

The EU has launched a consultation open to various stakeholders who have played a role in the Erasmus Plus program from 2014 to the present day.

Have you joined as a coordinator or partner in an Erasmus Plus project? Have you always wanted to share your experience with this program? Do you have suggestions for the European Commission on how to make your life easier in this kind of projects? Well, this is your opportunity to make your voice heard!

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Article Roberto Zanon Article Roberto Zanon

Navigating the Maze: Why NGOs Struggle to Access EU Funds

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) play a crucial role in addressing societal issues and driving positive change. However, despite their invaluable contributions, many NGOs encounter significant challenges when attempting to access funding from the European Union (EU). What are those main challenges? Here’s our opinion.

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