Projects. Guidance. Growth.

Your Partners in Social Inclusion, Education, and Health

We specialize in securing funding for initiatives in education, social inclusion, and health. Leveraging years of experience within non-profits and NGOs, we know the challenges and solutions in this space. Our services range from project conceptualization to securing EU and international grants. We offer training, advice, and hands-on guidance to drive meaningful, lasting impact. If you're seeking funding or a more effective strategy, we’re your experts.

What we do

At Solvere, we prefer the customized approach to funding support. That’s why we offer a range of services to pick and choose from based on your needs and priorities.


We support organizations and individuals who want to develop their grant writing skills. We train staff through dedicated workshops or individual tutoring, adapting the training content to the specific needs of the organization.

Project preparation

Project success starts with preparation. We offer thorough guidance to help you source crucial information, creating compelling projects that stand a higher chance of approval and funding.

Project management

Collectively, the Solvere team has a wealth of project management experience gained from within NGOs and other non-profits. We’ll be there as consultants to guide you through the implementation and reporting phases of your project. 

Who we help

At Solvere, our primary focus is on providing support for non-profits in their efforts to generate the funds they need for their projects and activities.

Our clients come from a range of industries and sectors, including:

  • NGOs

  • Educational institutions

  • Public entities and local authorities

  • Cultural associations

  • Startups, SMEs, and private companies

  • International networks and membership-based organizations

  • Foundations and other funding entities


Get in touch

If your organization needs experienced-based funding expertise based on many years working within non-profits and NGOs, Solvere is here for you. Contact us today to begin your journey toward a more successful funding strategy.