LGBTQI+ Rights: An overview on Three Funding Opportunities

In a world that is gradually embracing diversity and inclusion, the efforts to support LGBTQI+ communities have never been more crucial. Recent initiatives across Europe and the UK are examples of how targeted funding can propel the movement for equality and acceptance forward. Here, we delve into three such groundbreaking projects, each with its unique focus and approach to championing LGBTQI+ rights. In our effort to highlight initiatives that promote education, social inclusion, and health, SOLVERE shares three calls for projects dedicated to supporting LGBTQI+ individuals and communities. Here, we offer a brief overview of these initiatives, aiming to inspire action and participation from our readers.

1. Queer Cyprus Association: Rainbow Fund Small Grants Programme

A Beacon for LGBTQI+ Inclusivity in Cyprus: The Rainbow Fund Small Grants Programme emerges as a critical initiative aimed at enhancing LGBTQI+ inclusivity within the Turkish Cypriot community's education and health sectors. This program, a key part of the Rainbow Project funded by the European Union, showcases the transformative power of targeted support in fostering a more inclusive society.

Objectives and Priorities: The initiative aims to mainstream LGBTQI+ rights, emphasizing education and health, and includes:

  • Cross-Level Coordination: Promoting cooperation among local, regional, and European entities.

  • Capacity Building: Empowering individuals and CSOs with skills and resources for LGBTQI+ advocacy.

  • Organizational Enhancement: Boosting the capability of entities to support LGBTQI+ rights.

  • Anti-Discrimination: Implementing measures to combat discrimination and foster equality.

  • Advocacy and Awareness: Increasing understanding of LGBTQI+ rights to reduce stigma and promote inclusivity.

Financial Support and Outcomes: With grants ranging from EUR 1,000 to EUR 2,500, this initiative aims to significantly impact awareness, capacity, and support within the LGBTQI+ community.

Link to the call

2. CERV Programme Call Against Gender-Based Violence

Comprehensive Support for Victims: This call by the European Commission underscores a commitment to combat gender-based violence, with a special focus on LGBTQI+ individuals and those with disabilities. It's a comprehensive EU-wide effort to support victims and create safer spaces.

Objectives and Themes: Key areas include:

  • Preventing and Combating Violence: Focused on gender-based violence through large-scale, transnational projects.

  • Victim Support: Offering targeted, gender-sensitive protection for victims, especially those at heightened risk.

  • Awareness and Prevention: Measures to prevent violence in intimate relationships and online, including actions with perpetrators.

Funding Information and Impact: Projects are expected to range from EUR 100,000 to EUR 2,500,000, aiming for systemic change and increased support for victims.

Link to the call

3. LGBT+ Futures: Bi Fund in the UK

Empowering Bi-Led Organisations: The LGBT+ Futures: Bi Fund focuses on supporting bi-led organisations across the UK, acknowledging the unique challenges faced by the bisexual community. This program aims to offer financial support for the essential work of these groups.

Support and Eligibility: Community grants of up to £250 are available for bi-led organisations, with a simplified application process to facilitate access.

Expected Results and Impact: The fund is dedicated to enhancing resources and empowerment within the bisexual community, underscoring the importance of bi-led advocacy.

Link to the call

SOLVERE is committed to sharing opportunities that foster an inclusive society, ensuring that every individual, regardless of their abilities, has access to education, social inclusion, and health services. Stay tuned for more articles dedicated to similar initiatives, as we continue to support and promote projects that make a significant impact in these critical areas.


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